Can a Brand be too “Human” on Social Media?
March 4, 2019
On the night of the most recent Super Bowl between the Patriots and the Rams, the delicious orange-citrus flavored beverage SunnyD tweeted, “I can’t do this anymore.” This appeared to be in reference to how slow and boring the game was, but responses from all over Twitter and…
5 Digital Marketing Mistakes Brands Should Avoid Making
September 11, 2017
Digital Marketing,Business,Social Media
Digital marketing mistakes are easy to make. We all know that digital marketing moves fast, and because of that, there’s a tendency to always look towards the next best thing and focus less on the lessons of the past. But developing an awareness and understanding of past…
2017: The Year in Social Marketing So Far
April 5, 2017
Social Media,Digital Marketing
The social marketing landscape shifts so quickly that a half-year review isn’t so much ridiculous as almost requisite, if only to keep track of what has changed already in 2017. When 2016 ended the social marketing landscape looked like this: Snapchat was a social darling,…