Brand Positioning: What it is & Why It’s Important
November 13, 2018
Brand positioning (sometimes referred to as a positioning strategy or brand strategy) is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a special place in the mind of the target market, and it's a big deal! In fact, proper brand positioning is one of most…
Marketing & Advertising are Subjective, Objectively Speaking
September 23, 2018
Digital Marketing,Advertising,Business
Marketing & advertising are subjective in nature, and your audience probably doesn’t care about how great and awesome your product is. So how do you connect with them? You might have the biggest touchscreen in the world. The best technology. The most luxurious vehicle.…
Hot Take: No One Cares About Your Logo…
August 24, 2018
As a collective, we need to take some pressure off logos – don’t get me wrong, they are essential to a business, but they really don’t need to work so hard. Let’s focus on what drives your brand as a whole instead. Over time, companies have started to get into the mindset that…
Digital Advertising Losing its Shine?
August 11, 2018
it’s 2018 and consumers don’t even need to think twice about ignoring the relentless, sometimes even intrusive, ads that clutter the Internet. Does that mean the age of digital advertising is coming to an end? Hardly. Digital advertising has always been a relatively inexpensive…
How to Build a Brand From Scratch Successfully
July 9, 2018
It is possible to build a brand from scratch successfully. However, it has become a lot more complex, and also a lot easier than ever before (depending on how you look at it). The millennials are a generation privileged with the upsides of the internet that allow them to bring…
Why Creative Matters in Mobile Advertising
June 6, 2018
In order for mobile app platforms to survive, it's critical to continue achieving profitable user acquisition. However, mobile advertising is a constantly changing landscape. What works for you today might not work for you tomorrow. 95% of your direct response creative…
Memorial Day: All Gave Some, Some Gave All
May 27, 2018
It is here, that special time of year when we celebrate the sacrifices made by our nations heroes, especially the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedoms and way of life: the men and women in uniform, from all branches of the service. That’s…
Marketing, Advertising, & Branding… What’s the Difference?
March 29, 2018
In this line of work, I oftentimes hear clients and prospective clients confuse marketing, advertising, and branding, and they also tend to use the terms interchangeably. This usually makes me cringe just a little bit, because, while all three of these things may be a part of…
The Demise of Toys R Us: What We Can Learn
March 19, 2018
If you’re like me, you’re definitely a “Toys R Us Kid”, so, seeing a once giant retailer like Toys R Us close its doors for good is a little heartbreaking. I spent a lot of time there in my childhood, and, while it was magical as a little kid, I…
Official: I’ve Been Accepted into The VCU Brandcenter!
March 13, 2018
It’s official: I will be taking my talents to Richmond in August to start my post-grad education at the VCU Brandcenter! It’s been a long road to get here, and I am super excited to be making this next step in my professional and personal life. I got the email…