Wacky Brand Extensions Fueled by Millennials & Social Media

Social Media, the rapidness in which we (Millennials in particular) consume content, and the sheer amount of content being thrown at us every single day has created an era in which brands crafting a well thought-out and carefully crafted message in the form of an advertising…

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3 Examples of Creatively Awesome Recent Brand Actions

Let's just face it: despite media being bombarded by all types ion ads in different media formats throughout an average day, It's getting harder and harder to gain the consumers' attention. Attention spans are shortening, and what used to cut it just ain't cutting it anymore…

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The Case for Investing in Creative Advertising

As a business, trying to persuade folks buy stuff can be a hard task. As consumers we're constantly being fed advertisements and brand experiences thousands of times per day, but, due to all the 'noise' around us these days, the ability for there average consumer to actually…

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Can a Brand be too “Human” on Social Media?

On the night of the most recent Super Bowl between the Patriots and the Rams, the delicious orange-citrus flavored beverage SunnyD tweeted, “I can’t do this anymore.” This appeared to be in reference to how slow and boring the game was, but responses from all over Twitter and…

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Seven Strategies for Reviving a Brand

The idea of commoditization transposed to brand is, in reality, what commoditization is: the (slow) death of relevant value. But, don’t fret. There are strategies you can put in place to reverse the speed of that effect. Here are seven strategies for reviving a brand and…

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Consumers Want Brands to Help Them Make a Difference

It turns out consumers want more from a brand than just the brand using cause related marketing to take a stance on a social cause. In fact, they want brands to help them make a difference. That’s right! According to a new survey done by Futerra of over 1,000 consumers in the US…

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Brand Positioning: What it is & Why It’s Important

Brand positioning (sometimes referred to as a positioning strategy or brand strategy) is the act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a special place in the mind of the target market, and it's a big deal! In fact, proper brand positioning is one of most…

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Hot Take: No One Cares About Your Logo…

As a collective, we need to take some pressure off logos – don’t get me wrong, they are essential to a business, but they really don’t need to work so hard. Let’s focus on what drives your brand as a whole instead. Over time, companies have started to get into the mindset that…

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How to Build a Brand From Scratch Successfully

It is possible to build a brand from scratch successfully. However, it has become a lot more complex, and also a lot easier than ever before (depending on how you look at it). The millennials are a generation privileged with the upsides of the internet that allow them to bring…

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Marketing, Advertising, & Branding… What’s the Difference?

In this line of work, I oftentimes hear clients and prospective clients confuse marketing, advertising, and branding, and they also tend to use the terms interchangeably. This usually makes me cringe just a little bit, because, while all three of these things may be a part of…

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